‘Deadly Science’ is an innovative and flexible vocational educational training program delivered at the Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre to senior Indigenous students
The Deadly Science program involves course delivery of Certificate II in Conservation Land Management (4 QCE points)in a block format over Term1,2 & 3. As part of the course students observe and record local flora and fauna, plant trees and shrubs, treat weeds, operate gardening and landscaping equipment working on a council land revegetation site. The program is designed to encourage learning beyond the classroom- implementing the 5th pedagogy–experience based strategies.
Deadly Science provides a very successful way of improving the educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with documented evidence of increased student engagement, student attendance, appreciation of cultural identity, retention and attainment of education competences.
As an additional, optional consecutive qualification a Certificate II Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (4 QCE points) maybe delivered in Term 3 . This course provide students with the opportunity to gain foundation skills in literacy and numeracy and increase employment prospects by learning in real world contexts, enriching culture and connecting to the local community.
Contact the course facilitator Garry bookings@nudgeebeacheec.eq.edu.au for additional information, enrolment paperwork and costs.