The Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre (NBEEC) has developed a network of information exchange with community interest groups who engage in nature based conservation.
These groups include:
- Australian Marine Conservation Society
- Brisbane City Council Boondall Visitors Centre
- Queensland Catholic University
- Wader Study Group
- Government departments.
- Yatsu Higata Wetlands Centre in Japan.
Many conservation, research and educational groups utilise the Centre’s facilities and staff expertise, developing long-term research projects in the area as a result. This benefits the Centre by receiving assistance in the development of resources and displays.
The Centre has specialised equipment, displays, references and teaching resources.
Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association
The NBEEC P&C Association was formed in 2011 to promote the interests of, and facilitate the development and further improvement of the Centre.
Functions of the P&C
- Foster community interest in the Centre and environmental education.
- Try to bring about closer co-operation between the members of the community and staff members of the Centre.
- If asked by the principal, give advice and recommendations about issues relating to visiting students and the general operations and management of the Centre.
- Assist in the gaining of financial or other resources or services for the benefit of visiting students.
Successful grants
Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre P&C Association has been very successful in obtaining funds through grants for the purchase of equipment and resources that have been of great benefit to the Centre and its client schools, including:
- a 22 seater bus and a large storage shed from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund
- a mower, brush cutter, line trimmer, gardening equipment and plants to assist in a natural area restoration and revegetation project of the Nudgee Beach headland, courtesy of an Everyone’s Environment Grant.

Lions Nundah
Since 2016, NBEEC P&C has partnered with the Nundah Lions Club to conduct sausage sizzles at the local park on a term basis to fund raise for the centre. These funds provide the P&C with the capacity to support the centre programs. Lions Nundah has tirelessly worked to fundraise and provide the centre with the with a Beach wheel chair for student us.
Members of the community are invited to join the P&C. Meetings are held 6 times per year at the Centre. Please call the Centre on 3267 7811 or drop in to see us if you are interested in being involved in our community group.
Contact us
To contact the P&C directly, please send an email to pandc@nudgeebeacheec.eq.edu.au.