Certificate II Conservation and Ecosystem Management (AHC21020)
Nudgee Beach Environmental Education Centre facilitates a Conservation and Ecosystem Management course (AHC21020). This certificate qualification provides many employability skills, knowledge and also achieving 4 QCE points.
The Certificate II course (for Year 11 and 12 students) is conducted in 5 weekly blocks spread over Terms 1, 2 and 3. This is a modified course that is nationally recognised and is part of the new Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Ecosystem Management National Training Package.
Students who attend this course will firstly learn to appreciate the land and be able to identify with its surroundings. On completion of this course students will obtain:
- Certificate II Conservation and Ecosystem Management (AHC21020)
- 4 QCE points
- employability skills: communication, teamwork, problem-solving, initiative and enterprise, planning and organising, self-management, learning and technology.
- communicate with people about environmental issues
- understand the integral role traditional knowledge plays in maintaining and developing the environment
- interpret aspects of local Indigenous culture
- identify native flora and fauna
- implement revegetation and assist in maintaining of natural areas.
The course content and delivery will include field trips, guest speakers, mentoring support, industry experience, cultural experience working with elders and practical exercises with supporting theory work.
The course will be held over 5 x 5 day blocks during Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 each year.
There is no cost per student as course costs are paid through a generous donation through our partnership developed with Alex Fraser Nudgee Recycling.
- Partial completion of the qualification will be based on the percentage of units completed.
- There is a no tolerance policy regarding poor attendance and lack of commitment. It is expected that students attend every lesson and submit all their work on time.